Please check ALL that apply.
The customer has contracted to receive an RTK signal from Atlantic Tractor for 0 RTK receivers for 0 years. In connection there with, the customer agrees to pay Atlantic Tractor according to the above schedule. All contracts expire December 31st. Payment must be paid prior to February 1. The payment is non-refundable.
Atlantic Tractor shall be indemnified and held not responsible by the Customer from any claims, demands, expenses, losses or damages resulting from or growing out of the service that is to be provided to the Customer.
The customer has contracted to receive an JOHN DEERE MOBILE RTK signal from Atlantic Tractor for 0 RTK receivers for 0 years. In connection there with, the customer agrees to pay Atlantic Tractor according to the above schedule. The payment is non-refundable.
Clicking SUBMIT will create an invoice receipt and send an email alert to all necessary parties.